Friday, September 22, 2017

Method Overloading in case of ambiguity

Java will always try to use the most specific applicable version of a method that's available.

public class TestOverload {
     public static void main(String[] args) {

     /* If below uncommented, then compiler gives
        compile time Ambiguous exception. */
     /*static void method1(TestOverload obj){
           System.out.println("TestOverload "+obj);
     static void method1(Object obj){
           System.out.println("Object "+obj);
     /* Since Object is super type of String , so String
      * is more specific than Object*/
     static void method1(String obj){
           System.out.println("String "+ obj);

String null

Scenario 2:

public static  void doSomething(Object obj) {
    System.out.println("Object called");

public static  void doSomething(char[] obj) {
    System.out.println("Array called");

public static  void doSomething(Integer obj) {
    System.out.println("Integer called");

Java will always try to use the most specific applicable version of a method that's available (see JLS §15.12.2).

Object, char[] and Integer can all take null as a valid value. Therefore all 3 version are applicable, so Java will have to find the most specific one.

Since Object is the super-type of char[], the array version is more specific than the Object-version. So if only those two methods exist, the char[] version will be chosen.

When both the char[] and Integer versions are available, then both of them are more specific than Object but none is more specific than the other, so Java can't decide which one to call. In this case you'll have to explicitly mention which one you want to call by casting the argument to the appropriate type.

On the contrary, the following invocation would be perfectly unambiguous:
char[] x = null;

Although you're still passing the value null, Java knows exactly which method to call, since it will take the type of the variable into account.

Scenario 3 :

class Overload {
     void print(Integer i) {
          System.out.println("Integer called");

      void print(String i) {
          System.out.println("String called");

      void print(Object i) {
          System.out.println("Object called");

Overload obj= new Overload();


The method print(Integer) is ambiguous for the type Overload

Here String and Object are compatible or Integer and Object are compatible. Since Integer and String are of same priority , it creates ambiguity.

Scenario 4:


The method println(char[]) is ambiguous for the type PrintStream


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