Sunday, March 20, 2016

Why only String[] as parameters in main() method ?

Why the main method in java is having argument of only String[] . Why can't it be anything else (ex int[], char[]) ?.

I could think of below 5 reasons why String[] arguments and not any other parameters

1) It’s the JVM which calls main() and JVM receives parameters as strings from I/O or frm OS, hence the same signature. By default , JVM support only String.

2) Because that's the way it was designed. Yea, I know that's a circular reason. But the point is that this is the way it is and it ain't going to change. So unless you are planning on designing your own language, the question is moot.

3) Cleanness of design (aka the DRY principle). Don't specify two entry point signatures when one can do the job. And clearly, it can.
A String[] can be represented as Char, Int, Boolean which sounds fair but not vice-versa.

4) Semantic simplicity. Suppose (hypothetically) that Java did support both void main(String[]) and void main() entry points. What would happen if a class defined both methods? Is that an error? If not, which one takes precedence when there is ambiguity? Is this confusing yet?
By only allow void main(String[]), the JLS avoids the problem.

5) This is analogous to the standard C and C++ entrypoint signatures. (Admittedly, some C / C++ runtimes support other non-standard entrypoints as well ... but that's not exactly a good thing ... IMO.)

Feel free to comment below if you think of any other reason.

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