Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Immutable Class

Snippet of an Immutable Class

A class whose attributes remain same once after instantiation of that particular object.

/* 1- Make your class final, so that no other classes can extend it */
public final class StudentImmutableClass {

/* 2- Make all your fields final, so that they’re initialized only once inside the constructor and never modified afterwards */
     private final int rollNo;
     private final String name;
     private final Age age;

     /* 3- If the class holds a mutable object:
      * Inside the constructor, make sure to use a clone copy of the passed argument and never set your mutable field to the real  instance passed through constructor, this is to prevent the clients who pass the object from modifying it afterwards.
      * Make sure to always return a clone copy of the field and never return the real object instance
     public StudentImmutableClass(int rollNo, String name, Age age) {
          this.rollNo = rollNo;
 = name;
          this.age = getClone(age);

     Age getClone(Age age) {
          Age ageClone = new Age();
          return ageClone;

     /* 4- Don’t expose setter methods */
     /* When exposing methods which modify the state of the      class, you must always return a new instance of the class */
     public int getRollNo() {
          return rollNo;

     public String getName() {
          return name;

     public Age getAge() {
          return age;

Muttable class -

public class Age {
     int date;
     int month;
     int year;

     public int getDate() {
          return date;

     public void setDate(int date) {
 = date;

     public int getMonth() {
          return month;

     public void setMonth(int month) {
          this.month = month;

     public int getYear() {
          return year;

     public void setYear(int year) {
          this.year = year;


Client calling Immutable class

public class TestImmutableClass {

     public static void main(String[] args) {

          Age age = new Age();

          /* Make sure that constructor return a clone of muttable object and not actual object */
          StudentImmutableClass student = new StudentImmutableClass(1, "Alex", age);

          System.out.println("Alex age year before modification = " + student.getAge().getYear());
          System.out.println("Alex age year after modification = " + student.getAge().getYear());


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